
Thursday, 4 February 2016

Would you rather...?

Talking about hypothetical situations.
These kids ages 3 to 11 play "Would You Rather". Listen and see if they have anything to teach us.

In this video, taken from Jamie Keddie's site,, James and Jess decide which would be better: to spend a month in prison or two years alone on a desert island. 

Now, it's your turn to talk. Do you agree or disagree with James and Jess? Give reasons for your answers. 

Let's discuss similar questions proposed by Jamie Keddie:

  • Would you rather be able to speak English like a native English speaker, or speak 12 other languages at elementary level?
  • Would you rather walk to work naked or eat a sheep’s eye ball?
  • Would you rather be the world’s best singer or the world’s best dancer?
  • Would you rather be able to fly or make yourself invisible?
As we have just heard in the video, when talking about hypothetical situations, we can use these expressions below:

  • I would … / I’d …
  • I wouldn’t …
  • Would you … ?
  • You would have to …
  • You would be able to … / You could …
  • Second conditional structures (e.g. If I had enough books, I would choose a desert island.)

Video transcript

Jamie: Would you rather spend a month in prison or two years alone on a desert island?

James: Oh, a month in prison, definitely.

Jess: Why?

James: Because, a month in prison, you have company for a start. It’s only a month long and you get adequate care taken of you. A desert island, you’re left alone. You don’t have that.

Jess: But that’s kind of fun.

James: Well, it’s fun if you have, you know, adequate resources.

Jess: If I had enough books, I would definitely choose a desert island.

James: What about water and food?

Jess: Well, yeah. As in like ... hmm ... yeah, I wouldn’t be very good at that.

James: Plus, you have to think suncream ... you know ... you get books in prison.

Jess: Then I’ll sit in the shade. I don’t know. Hmm ...

James: What would be the problem for prison for you?

Jess: It would just be a bit grim. Like at least if you were on a nice island, it would be nice and scenic.

James: Yeah. And you’d feel like a free person.

Jess: It’d be like ... it’d be like a holiday. But then you wouldn’t see anyone for two years and probably go crazy.

James: Two years is quite a long time ...

Jess: Yeah

James: Whereas one month is ...

Jess: Maybe I’d pick prison as well.

James: Yeah

Jess: You’d also get really ripped because you’d probably ...

James: ... you’d work out all the time.

Jess: Yeah

James: Yeah, that’s true.

Jess: Really ripped and really intelligent.

James: Yeah. Well, you’ve only got a month.

Jess: And you could write your memoirs.

James: You’ve only got a month, Jess.

Jess: Oh yeah